Companies, Trusts and Partnerships

Companies, Trusts and Partnerships

Services for Companies, Trusts and Partnerships in Blacktown and Baulkham Hills

What Works for You?

If you are running a business or investment, it will likely be run through companies, trusts or partnerships. Matthews Dooley & Gibson has the experience to help you choose the best structure for your business ventures, depending on your circumstances.


Our team can help your company change names, acquire a shelf company, arrange company meetings, prepare shareholder agreements and ensure ASIC compliance when changing shareholders and/or directors.

Your Trusts 

When you need legal help for your trust, we can assist with declarations of trust, unit trusts, unitholder agreements, removal or appointment of trustees, family (or discretionary) trusts, variations of trust deeds and more.


When negotiating partnership agreements, come to us. We help with business succession agreements, joint venture and buy-and-sell agreements, registration of business names and key man insurance agreements.

Resolving Disputes

When disputes arise between shareholders, unitholders, partners or others involved in the business, we resolve them either in or out of court. This includes litigation, winding-up or receivership for companies and trusts, buyouts and partnership dissolutions.
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